Friday, April 22, 2011

Jesus Washes Our Feet

I was reading the passages in Scripture where Jesus had the Passover with the disciples and then was given over to be crucified. My heart broke all throughout these passges. I wept and grieved at mentally seeing the sight of my Jesus washing my feet and taking my punishment.

You have probably heard a dozen sermons on the washing of the disciples' feet, I know I have, but it hit me anew today. He knew that Judas was going to betray Him. He knew Judas was already plotting his death, yet He took the form of a servant and washed His betrayer's feet.

I can picture the whole senario in my head. Jesus takes off his outer robe. The disciples are lined up, standing in shock at what Jesus is choosing to do. He has a bowl of pure water and a towel, ready to clean their feet. This is a servant's job. This is not a very renowned task. Not one that people would boast about. Instead, it is a job that no one has the desire to do. One by one, Jesus takes the feet of His disciples. He knows their hearts. He knows the sin lurking in the corners. He knows that one in particular will betray Him to His death. Yet, I can see Jesus washing each of their feet, making sure each foot is free of any and all dirt. Completely clean. And because I know of Jesus' character, I can say with confidence that He didn't leave a speck of dirt on Judas' feet. He cleaned them thuroughly, even though He knew he was going to betray Him.

I bawled. My tears were streaming down my face as I thought of this. I can picture myself in Judas' place. Jesus is cleaning my dirty, digusting, abominable feet. He's wiping away my sin as easily as if it were dirt. My Lord is serving me by purifying me of my sin. All my sin, He is washing clean. Tears were streaming down my face as I thought of such a sight. My Lord. My Holy God, is washing me new, even though He knows that I will mess up again. Even though He knows I will sin and displease Him. He chooses to clean the grime away -Of His own free will so that He may gain the glory.

What a wretched soul I am. I need Him so dearly. Lord may You be glorified!

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